Istanbul - Constantinople
Title: "Vue de la grande Cavalcade du Grand Seigneur lorsque sa Hautesse paroit en public a Constantinople"
Great horse parade for his Highness Sultan Mustafa III.
The big and lively palace of the Sultan, with Janissaries on horseback or by foot. In the middle of the view on horseback Sultan Mustafa III with his warriors.
Original coloured copper engraving, a so-called "Vue d'Optique".
The sheet is considerably enlarged on both sides and on bottom. Persons, animals and buildings were added, partly collaged with printed and hand-coloured cut-outs, partly drawn with ink and then gouached. Most likely the reason for this witty and original additions was to enlarge the picture so that it would fit into a larger optical device (peep box or zograscope).
Published by Mondhare, Paris, about 1760, size including the additions: 40 x 57 cm.
Unique old view of Istanbul, an engraving with contemporary watercolour add-ons.
€ 950,-