Title: „Nègresses de Rio–Janeiro“
Two young ladies from Rio de Janeiro, in the background a beautiful landscape with hills, the sea and a sailing boat at the horizon.
Handcoloured lithography by Maurin after Johann Moritz Rugendas (1802 – 1858), published by Engelmann, Paris-Mühlhausen, 1827, Pl. 7.
Print size: 29, 5 cm x 24 cm
Lithography with bright colours on strong paper, some minor creases at the margins, altogether in very good condition.
Cp.: Thieme-Becker Vol. XXIX, p. 181
€ 480,-
Johann Moritz Rugendas (1802-1858) accompanied the Baron of Langsdorff on his expedition in the year 1825 to Brazil. Rugendas made some sketches and water paintings of the people, their customs and the landscapes of Brazil during the expedition, which he later published in „Malerische Reise in Brasilien“, 1835.