The Pianist
Title: Klavierspeelster – The Pianist
A young lady sitting at the piano, an open music book on her left.
The artist Johannes Körnlein is known for his fine and vibrant copper engravings after artworks of famous artists and old masters. He mainly worked with the publisher Ploos van Amstel. This beautifu portrait of a pianist is either after a design by Gerhard Dou or after a drawing by Jan de Bray.
Artist: Johannes Körnlein (* Nuremberg – 1772 Amsterdam)
Publisher: Cornelis Ploos van Amstel, Amsterdam around 1767
Size: 17,30 cm x 14,6 cm
Fine copper engraving printed of two plates in red and black, so called copper engraving in style of crayon manner. Perfect impression on handmade paper, verso: small coat of arms.
Lit.: Rijksmuseum Amsterdam Object No. RP-P-OB-24.563
WVZ:Theo Laurentius, Nieuwe gegevens betreffende Ploos van Amstel Prentwerk, P. 240
€ 750,-