General map of Switzerland
Title: „Tabula Nova Heremi Helvetiorum“
One of the first printed “modern” maps of Switzerland, depicting most of the territory of Switzerland excluding Basel and Geneva. Here Tab. 17 of the 20 modern maps published in the Strasbourg-Ptolemy edition.
Coloured woodcut map by Konrad Türst (c. 1450-1503) and Martin Waldseemüller (1470-1518), printed and published by Johannes Schott, Strasbourg 1513.
Map size: 41 cm x 52 cm.
Beautiful print and colours, right bottom corner professionally restored, smoothened centre fold, altogether in very good condition. Rare!
Cp.: Walter Blumer: "Bibliographie der Gesamtkarten der Schweiz,von Anfang bis 1802", 1957/No. 2
€ 6.500,-