North- and South America
Title: "Americae nova Tabula Auct. Guiljelmo Blaeuw"
Depicted is the continent of America between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans with ships and sea monsters. A bordure illustrating native tribes and nine well-known places in South and Central America at the time: Havanna, Santo Domingo, Cartagena, Mexico, Cuzco, Potosi, Mocha Island, Rio de Janeiro and Olinda, is framing the map.
Original coloured copper engraving by Willem Janszoon Blaeu (1571-1638), Amsterdam, c. 1635, with privilege, Verso text in French.
Map Size: 41 cm x 55 cm
Beautiful print and colours, usual smoothened centre fold, at the left a fold (smoothened), at the right bottom parts of the paper (two figurines) professionally restored, altogether good to very good condition.
Ref.: Tooley 1635, plate 169; Koeman, Atlantes Neerlandici Vol. I. page 73.
€ 3.900,-