Astronomical world map – Celestial mechanics
“Situs Terrae Circulis Coelestibus circundatae. Prostant. Amstelaedami apud Petrum Schenk et Gerardum Valk c. Priv.”
The map illustrates the Ptolemaic system of the universe. In the center is a big globe, with the continent of Australia, the Pacific Ocean and parts of northern America with California as an island and the arctic southern continent. The planets, illustrated as a zodiac ribbon, and the signs of the zodiac are moving around the earth in the center. In the upper corners in between clouds and putti, is the title and the publisher dates. In the bottom corners are allegorical female figures of mathematics and astronomy.
Celestial map by J. van Loon after Andreas Cellarius, publisher Janssonius, Amsterdam 1660/61, from the „Harmonia Macrocosmica“, new version published by Valk/Schenk, Amsterdam 1708
Size: 43 cm x 50 cm
Copper engraving with contemporary colour in perfect condition
€ 3.600,-