Title: „Bewohner von Houa-Houa. Habitans de Houa-Houa.“
Two indigenous Maori from Tolaga Bay (Maori: Uawa) in New Zealand.
Coloured lithography, No. 28 B, by J. Honegger after Hassler, from „Naturgeschichte und Abbildungen der Menschen…“, by Heinrich Rudolf Schinz, Honegger, Zürich 1840/45.
Sheet size: 35 cm x 25,5 cm
Lithography with vibrant colours on strong paper, in very good condition.
Cf. National Library of New Zealand, A-191-023, referring to L.A. de Sainson as the original artist for this design and linking it to the 2nd edition of Schinz in 1840.
€ 220,-