Besler: Nigella
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No.: 174 – Summer Flowers: Nigella

  1. Melanthium Hispanicum maius – Nigella hispanica
  2. Melanthium Sativum flore simplici. – Nigella damascena - Love-in-a-mist
  3. Melanthium Damascenum flore pleno – Nigella damascena – Love-in-a-mist (double form)

Large coloured copper engraving on handmade paper from “Hortus Eystettensis", Nuremberg & Eichstätt 1613, published by Basilius Besler (1561-1629). Here a special edition from 1640 without text on verso.

Sheet size: 47,5 cm x 39,5 cm

Beautiful depiction of nigella on one sheet, slightly toned, altogether in good to very good condition.
