Dragon Arum
"Dracunculus vulgaris" - Viagra Lily with rhizome - "Dracontium maius"
Coloured copper engraving from "Hortus Eystettensis", published by Basilius Besler (1561 - 1629), Nuremberg 1613/ 40.
Sheet size: 47,5 x 39,5 cm.
Coloured copper engravings with very decorative, large-format depictions of flowers from the "Hortus Eystettensis", published by Basilius Besler (pharmacist in Nuremberg, 1561 - 1629) in Nuremberg and Eichstätt in the years 1613 and 1640.
Principal for the "Hortus Eystettensis" and for the famous gardens of Eichstätt was the bishop Johann Conrad von Gemmingen (1561 - 1612). The gardens had been laid out around the Willibaldsburg - founded 1355, which had been rebuilded at the same time to a representative renaissance castle.