Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1798-1861)
Two apprentice boys stand near a washerwoman who is arguing with one of them with a grim expression. In the background at a desk, a well-behaved apprentice can be seen holding a book while conversing with a young man. A mother cat lies on the floor nursing her kitten.
Title: Gejo to ibari afu kozô (An apprentice who argues with a maid) - Hôbai naka no ii kozô (an apprentice who gets on well with colleagues)
Series: Kyôkun zen‘aku kozô zoroi (o. zoroe/soroi) (Moral Guidelines for Good and Naughty Apprentices)
Signature: Ichiyûsai Kuniyoshi gi (jokingly)
Publisher: Fujiokaya Keijirô (Fujikei, Shôrindô), Edo
Censorship: Aratame. Date: 1857, 1st month
Original Japanese colour woodblock print. Size: Horizontal Chûban, 18 x 23.7 cm (overall)
Very good impression and colours. Margins a little trimmed, lower margin with about 1 cm added to the image. Few small stains and printer's smudges, overall good condition. Rare giga (comic) series with humorous moralistic scenes.
Not in Robinson 1961; cf. Kuniyoshi Project, NDL, DOI 10.11501/9367566 (album containing the whole series); SOAS JWP 31.4-17