Utagawa Hirokage (tätig ca. 1855-65)
A procession of upright walking foxes striding majestically through the night. In a parody of a daiymo’s retinue, the foxes carry a man sitting in a basket; instead of banners and boxes, they carry pumpkins and a bamboo stick with sweet corn. In the background a marshy plain with fox fires.
Title: : Ôji – Kitsunebi (The Fox-fires at Oji) (No. 16)
Serie: Edo meisho dôke zukushi (Comical Views of Famous Places in Edo)
Publisher: Tsujiokaya Bunsuke (Kinshôdô), Edo
Date: 6/1859
Size: Oban, 33,5 x 22 cm (print size)
Very good impression and colours. Left professionally remargined, all other margins only minimally trimmed. Horizontal centrefold, at the right margin a small restored wormhole. Minimally rubbed and slightly stained in margins. Some minor old ink additions. Altogether still very good condition of this funny and rare print!
There are many colour variations of this print, cf. MFA Boston, Bigelow Collection, No. 11.16964 et al; British Museum No. 1943,0410,0.7.17; Indianapolis Museum of Art, No. 16.936.