Hosoda Eishi (1756 – 1829)
Three ladys with mulberry leaves.
A young woman spreading mulberry leaves on a mat to dry them. Another woman to her left picking mulberry leaves from a branch into a big basket in front of her. A third woman, looking around the corner of a dividing wall, chatting with the other two, holding a mulberry branch with silkworm cocoons in her hand.
Series: “Kaiko – silkworms” (No. 5)
Signature: Eishi ga
Publisher: Nishimura Yohachi
Date: around 1820
Size: Chuban, 23 cm x 16,5 cm
Print in very good condition with fine colours. Extremely rare, to date undocumented, from a an hitherto undocumented sericulture series by the artist.